The Silent Knight

It goes without saying that the Knights of our council do good things for our church and community and we usually all know who is good at doing various tasks that need doing.  But sometimes it is refreshing to find someone in our council who may not be known to everyone and yet does important work not for only our council but for Holy Mother Church as well.  Such was a pleasant discovery of mine recently. I call this man "The Silent Knight" because he goes about doing his good work all without fanfare. He will probably be embarrassed when I list his credentials in the following paragraph.  See if you can guess his name!

He is one of the great pro-life leaders in the United States, a speaker at meetings of the Pontifical Academy for Science and pontifical councils and contributor to several of their documents.  He has been an expert speaker at national and international Catholic conferences, speaker at three United Nations conferences, an advisor to the Holy See Permanent Mission at dozens of United Nations meetings, international conferences and world summits, consultant to governments in areas of demographics, population control and euthanasia, author of several books, including the widely-referenced Handbook on Population (now in its sixth edition and printed in several languages).  (Note: This book can be found in the church's pamphlet rack at the rear of the church.) He is also author of amicus curiae briefs to the US Supreme Court in the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton abortion cases, author of nearly thirty legal briefs in abortion and euthanasia cases, a founder in 1977 with Paul Brown and Morton Downey, Jr. of the first, hugely successful, national pro-life political action committee, Life Amendment Political Action Committee, a founder with Judy and Paul Brown and member of the board of what is now the most famous, powerful and effective pro-life organization in the United States. He has also been a California State Council official in the 1970's and a former State Pro-Life Committee Chairman (1998-1999). He is currently a member of the Diocese of Orange Pro-Life Task Committee under Bishop Jaime Soto.

Thank you for your work -- Brother Bob Sassone, the "Silent Knight "

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