Did You Know ?


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Did You Know ? ---------------12/24/06----------------------
 In England, following an abortion at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, a 75 year old man in England mailed a picture of the aborted baby to the hospital administrator, complaining about the hospital's approval of such abortions. The administrator reported this to the district attorney and the man was convicted of sending "offensive materials through the mail" and was sentenced to a month in jail and fined 500 English pounds. Not satisfied with that, this same hospital administrator took the man off the list for a hip replacement and denied him any further routine medical treatment.

Did You Know ? ---------------12/17/06----------------------
An abortionist in Kansas, Dr. George Tiller, called an ambulance when 19 year old Christin Gilbert developed complications during her abortion. Christin died of complications from this abortion. But Tiller had told the ambulance not to turn on its lights or sirens in order not to raise suspicion or bad publicity as it came to his abortion clinic. Such is the concern of abortionists for their patients.

Did You Know ? ---------------12/17/06----------------------
An unborn baby begins to breathe at 11 to 12 weeks, or about 3 months. He breathes fluids steadily and continuously until birth. This breathing develops his organs of respiration. He does not drown by breathing fluids within his mother's womb because he obtains his oxygen from the umbilical cord. At birth when he is exposed to air he begins to breathe air for the first time and will do so for the remainder of his life.

Did You Know ? ---------------12/10/06----------------------
In 2004, Pope John Paul II said that "the administration of food and water, even when provided by artificial means, always represents a natural means of preserving life, not a medical act. Death by starvation or dehydration is the only possible outcome as a result of their withdrawal ... and ends up becoming, if done willingly and knowingly, euthanasia by omission."

Did You Know ? ---------------12/03/06----------------------
Abortionists tell women the following lies:
--that there is no baby growing in their womb, only a blob of tissue.--that the fetus will feel no pain in an abortion even though scientific evidence shows that human fetus as young as 8 weeks suffers pain in an abortion.--that there are no health risks associated with an abortion though studies show a link between abortion and breast cancer, infertility, ectopic pregnancies, later premature births, stress disorder, and suicide.--Finally, they withhold the fact that every abortion kills a child!

Did You Know ? ---------------11/26/06----------------------
Treatments using adult stem cells have now repaired patients' damaged livers and regenerated an injured part of a paraplegic's spine, allowing her to regain movement in her legs. By contrast, no such cures (or even human clinical trials) have resulted from the highly touted embryonic stem cell research program. Promises, yes -- treatments, no!

Did You Know ? ---------------11/19/06----------------------
Compared to women with no history of induced abortion, those women with one prior abortion had a 144% higher risk for physical abuse of a later child. By contrast, women who experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth had no such enhanced risk. This result is explained as emotional problems and unresolved grief responses associated with the abortion, thereby instilling anger, a common symptom of grief.

Did You Know ? ---------------10/22/06----------------------
In the RU 486 abortion drug process, women take two pills to complete the abortion. The first drug deprives the unborn child of the nourishment she normally receives during the pregnancy from her mother. That kills the developing baby. The second drug causes contractions and induces labor, expelling the baby's body in a miscarriage.

Did You Know ? ---------------11/05/06----------------------

Here are a few things most expectant moms don't know when they go in for an abortion:
At 5 weeks, her baby's heart is pumping blood.
At 7 weeks, her baby's teeth buds have formed.
At 9 weeks, her baby has fingerprints.
At 10 weeks, her baby can swallow and wrinkle its forehead.
At 11 weeks, her baby's face looks like a baby's profile.
At 12 weeks, her baby can grasp things and make a tight fist.

Did You Know ? ---------------10/29/06----------------------
The U.S Bishops "Living the Gospel of Life"(1998) says:
 "No public official can responsibly advocate for or actively support direct attacks on innocent human life."
 Archbishop John Myers of Newark, NJ says:
"There is no right more fundamental than the right to be born and reared with all the dignity the human person deserves. On this grave issue, public officials cannot hold themselves excused from their duties especially if they claim to be Catholic. Every faithful Catholic must be not only 'personally opposed' to abortion, but must live that opposition in his or her actions." 

Did You Know ? ---------------10/22/06----------------------
Why are Catholics so silent in the pro-life cause? This silence in the presence of our enemies only encourages them. Our fearing to speak out is the principal ally of our enemies. As Pope John Paul II said, "Using fear to enforce silence is the first goal in the strategy of the wicked."

Did You Know ? ---------------10/15/06----------------------
Pope John Paul II said the following, "Abortion and euthanasia are crimes which no human law can claim to legitimize. There is no obligation in conscience to obey such laws; instead there is a grave and clear obligation to oppose them by conscientious objection. The right to life means the right to be born and then continue to live until one's natural end."

Did You Know ? ---------------10/8/06----------------------
Pope John Paul II said the following about the culture of death: "It is a culture that sees moral wrongs as human rights, that sees the ending of human life in the womb as a legitimate and protected choice, or the ending of a feeble life as acceptable, as practical and even humane."

Did You Know ? ---------------10/1/06----------------------
The next time you hear someone say a woman's right to choose is at the heart of the abortion issue, think of this --The morality that once made a man morally and financially responsible for any pregnancy he caused has faded. The sexual revolutionaries have written a script in which men play and women pay.

Did You Know ? ---------------9/24/06----------------------
Although minorities are around 30% of the total US population, minority women were 59% of the abortion clients in 2000. Also, nearly half of all abortions are repeat abortions. In fact, 18% of abortions in 2000 were third abortions.

Did You Know ? ---------------9/17/06----------------------
Planned Parenthood Lie: Abortion insures every child is a wanted child. Fact: Abortion does not insure that every child is wanted; abortion kills a child and wounds a mother. It is a clinical fact that a so-called unwanted pregnancy does not produce an unwanted child. (Life Issues Institute--October 2000)

Did You Know ? ---------------9/10/06-------------------------
Planned Parenthood Lie: A majority of Americans want legal abortion.
Fact: A majority of Americans don't demand legalized abortion. They believe there should be greater restrictions on abortion. (CBS News poll, January 2006

Did You Know ? ---------------8/27/06----------------------
Planned Parenthood Lie: Abortion is needed to protect a woman's health.
Fact: "Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy alive and even in cases of fatal illness, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save life." ---Dr. Alan Guttmacher, 1967 (Former President of Planned Parenthood)

Did You Know ? ---------------8/20/06----------------------
70 percent of the women going in for abortion call themselves Christians. 24% are Roman Catholics, 16% are evangelical Protestants, 30% are Protestants of other denominations.

Did You Know ? ---------------8/13/06----------------------
Here are more changes that often occur in the life of a young girl who has had an abortion:
(1) Eating--becomes grossly overweight, "No man will find me attractive now so I won't have any more problems"
(2) Motherhood -- can't stand to be around pregnant women or babies; feels unworthy to have other children; may abuse future children
(3) Marriage -- lets people walk all over her; hates the man who got her pregnant; continually fights during a later marriage.

Did You Know ? ---------------8/6/06----------------------
Here are some changes that often occur in the life of a young girl who has had an abortion:
(1) Relationships--shorter and more divorces; lack of trust; more sexual problems
(2) Morals -- A sense that "I'm no good for killing my own child"; leads to promiscuity, drugs, and alcohol
(3) Suicide -- Why should I live when my child died because of me?

Did You Know ? ---------------7/30/06----------------------
Some people think that if abortion is legal then it must be all right. If abortion is legal, then women and men don't have to be careful about their sex lives. If abortion is legal, then parents, teachers, counselors and friends feel no hesitancy in pushing a desperate young girl into taking the life of her  unborn child. How sad that they confuse legality with morality!

Did You Know ? ---------------7/23/06----------------------
Often Christians object to looking at pictures of aborted babies, considering  such pictures to be indecent. They get angry at those who are showing the; pictures instead of getting angry at those who are killing the babies. By this; distortion of anger, they are just covering up the guilt of their own non-involvement.

Did You Know ? ---------------7/16/06----------------------
For 25 years pro-abortion groups insisted that abortion had nothing to do with killing. Now, in court papers, they calmly yet boldly admit, devoid of; conscience or guilt, that "the physician providing an abortion by definition sets  out with the purpose of performing a procedure that he knows will kill the; fetus, and that does kill the fetus.

Did You Know ? ---------------7/9/06----------------------
An unborn baby begins to breathe at 11 to 12 weeks, or about 3 months. He breathes fluids steadily and continuously until birth. This breathing develops his organs of respiration. He does not drown by breathing fluids within his mother's womb because he obtains his oxygen from the umbilical cord. At birth when he is exposed to air he begins to breathe air for the first time and will do so for the remainder of his life.

Did You Know ? ---------------7/2/06-----------------------
 When the time comes as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, it will be a terrible moment of loneliness. You will have no advocates; you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I think that those people in the pro-life movement will not be alone. There will be a chorus of tiny voices that have never been heard in this world but are beautifully heard in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God,"Spare him because he loved us," and God will look at you and not ask "Did you succeed" but "Did you try?"

Did You Know ? ---------------6/25/06----------------------
Adult stem cells derived from bone marrow have been used to stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The disease occurs when plaque builds up in the brain and destroys neurons, or nerve cells. The bone marrow stem cells successfully attacked and digested the plaque, thereby protecting the neurons. While this treatment cannot prevent the disease, it offers hope of slowing the disease or perhaps reversing it.

Did You Know ? ---------------6/18/06-----------------------
 Bernard Nathanson, a reformed abortionist who helped make the case for legalized abortion in 1973 by claiming that there were 5,000 to 10,000 deaths of women per year from back alley abortions, later said, "I confess that I knew that these figures were totally false. But in the morality of our revolution (to promote abortion) these were useful figures that were widely accepted by the public, so why go out of our way to correct them with honest statistics?"

Did You Know ? ---------------6/11/06-----------------------
 A typical argument used by the pro-choice crowd to justify the abortion of babies is that a human fetus is not a person because it lacks the ability to think rationally, perceive or express conscious emotions, or interact meaningfully. However, this same definition could be used to make a non-person out of (1) a young child (2) a sleeping adult, (3) an anesthetized patient, or(4) certain disabled persons.

Did You Know ? ---------------6/4/06-----------------------
 Since 1998, when researchers at the University of Wisconsin discovered how to isolate and develop human embryonic stem cells, no human disease or condition has been successfully treated using them. By contrast, nearly 80 therapies - actual treatments and not just research - now use adult stem cells and there have been more than 250 adult stem cell clinical trials.

Did You Know ? ---------------5/28/06-----------------------
 Even though Planned Parenthood uses the RU486 pill for chemical abortions, its New York medical director Hakim Elahi stated that of some 43,000 abortions by this method, 141 women required some surgical intervention anyway, 49 were treated in the ER for heavy bleeding, 20 needed blood transfusions, and 7 were admitted to hospitals for infection. Mr. Elahi further stated that, if he received such a poor report from a surgical abortion clinic, he would recommend that it be immediately shut down.

Did You Know ? ---------------- 5/21/06-------------------
Planned Parenthood received more than $265 million in government grants in the last fiscal year for which a report is available. This is one-third of the organization's total income. To stop this taxpayer funding for the killing of babies, sign a petition at

Did You Know ? ------------------ 5/14/06---------------------
 At least seven U.S. women who took the RU-486 pill to abort their babies have died. In 4 California cases, all four women tested positive for Clostridium sordellii, a common but rarely fatal bacterium. Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc. said it would immediately stop recommending vaginal insertion of the final course of pills. Four of the women who died, including the latest two, received the pills at Planned Parenthood-affiliated clinics, said Dr. Vanessa Cullins, the organization's vice president for medical affairs.

Did You Know ? ------------5/7/06-----------------------------
 The human embryo is fully programmed, and has the active disposition, to develop himself or herself to the next mature stage of a human being. And unless prevented by disease, violence or a hostile environment, the embryo will actually do so. None of the changes that occur to the embryo after fertilization, for as long as he or she survives, generates a new direction of growth."

Did You Know ? -----------4/30/06--------------------------
 A woman in South Carolina has been convicted of smoking crack cocaine which led to the death of her baby. Paradoxically, if she had an abortion to kill the baby, she would have gotten off free. This has been the second case where an infant still in the womb has been considered a person with rights that deserve protection. Why couldn't it be every case?

Did You Know ? ------------4/23/06--------------------------
 "The Pill" works two ways: first, by preventing fertilization and if that fails, second, by preventing implantation AFTER a new human being has been created, causing an early chemical abortion that is usually unrecognized by the mother. The Pill is an abortifacient; it is murder, pure and simple.

Did You Know ? -----------4/16/06------------------------
From the moment of conception, an unborn child's DNA is as complete as an adult's. At 3 weeks, an unborn child has a heartbeat and her own blood supply. At 6 weeks she has measurable brain waves. Yet, in this country, she can be killed by choice through all 9 months of pregnancy for any reason or no reason whatever. 1 out of 4 unborn children are killed before birth in this country. Since Roe v. Wade, over 45 million unborn children have died by a choice not their own.

Did You Know ? -----------4/9/06--------------------------
 Abortion is destroying love. That's a pretty bold statement, but what else is more pure than a child's love? Children are not afraid of anything and they love anyone and everyone the same way... unconditionally. Yet 45 million children never had that chance, and unfortunately that number is growing every year.

Did You Know ? -----------4/2/06---------------------------
Abortion is destroying love. That's a pretty bold statement, but what else is more pure than a child's love? Children are not afraid of anything and they love anyone and everyone the same way... unconditionally. Yet 45 million children never had that chance, and unfortunately that number is growing every year.

Did You Know ? ---------3/26/06---------------------------
The Netherlands now officially allows its doctors to euthanize children under twelve "if the doctors believe the children's suffering is intolerable or if they have an incurable illness." That includes non-fatal illnesses and disabilities. Whether or not the child can consent is irrelevant -- what child under twelve knows what he or she is consenting to?

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
When does a baby, the unborn baby begin to feel pain? The child starts to feel pain at about 8 weeks. And this is how you can tell. If you stick a newly born baby with a pin in the hand, he opens his mouth to cry and he pulls away his hand. If you stick an 8 weeks old fetus in the palm of his hand he opens his mouth to cry. There is no air there so you can’t hear it and he pulls back his hand, the same reaction, he begins to cry already in the womb.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
Mother Teresa’s famous remark on abortion, "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die, so that you may live as you wish."

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
The Holy Spirit Respect Life Committee can provide you a Catholic version of a "living will" called a "Will to Live". This is an important document for everyone to have when you go into a hospital. It's free -- why not call for one at (714) 963-9424, ask for Larry.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
Testimony regarding abortion in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin Case No. 98-C-0305-S reads as follows: "When you're doing a dismemberment D&E (abortion) usually the last part to be removed is the skull itself and it's floating free inside the uterine cavity a ping pong ball floating around... Finally ... a nip is made out of some area of the skull that allows it to start to decompress. And then once that happens typically the skull is brought out in fragments rather than as a unified piece, the result being that sharp bony edges of the skull are exposed."

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
 A number of studies have shown women who have abortions are two to five times more likely to be at risk of subsequent substance use compared to women who have not had abortions.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
 Compared to women who carry unintended pregnancies to term, a new study conducted at Bowling Green State University shows that women who have abortions are more susceptible to generalized anxiety disorder and depression and are more likely to receive psychiatric treatment.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
 Every year 1,289,910 babies in the womb are surgically aborted. They'll never be pushed in a stroller. They'll never sleep in their own crib. They'll never tear open the wrapping of their first Christmas gift. They'll never share with loved ones the joy of this season.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
Planned Parenthood Lie: A preborn baby is a "potential" person, not a real person.
Fact: A preborn baby is not a "potential" person; preborn babies are human persons from fertilization.

Did You Know ? ---------------------------------------------
Once you decide some lives are not worth living or not important, then you have journeyed to a new place where you get to decide who lives and who dies. A person who, because of illness, handicap, or, more simply, just by existing, compromises the well being or lifestyle of those who are more favored, tends to be looked upon as an enemy to be resisted or eliminated.

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