X-Marks the Spot


(The following is  a condensation of an article by James Kidd from the May-June 2004 issue of This Rock magazine.)

Abortion is legal. Infanticide is illegal. Why the difference?

The answer is that there must be some quality (call it "X") that all newborn babies have that makes them worthy of protection by law but that preborn babies do not have and therefore are unworthy of that protection.  What could "x" possibly be?  It is important to note that all pro-choice arguments assume that there is an "X" while all pro-life arguments assume that there is no "X".
What follows are some of the answers pro-choice people use for the quality "X" and how you could answer them if they do so.
"X is the fact that a fetus is part of a woman's body."

This is a common response which radical feminism has used to convince women that a fetus is no different that any other part of her body and therefore she can do what she pleases with it.

If this "X" is used, ask the pro-choice person what is meant specifically by "part of the body".  Ask if there is a difference between being "in the body" and being "part of the body".  Many things enter the body (e.g. food, germs, etc.) but are not considered part of the body.  Ask then when a fetus ceases to be part of the woman's body.  Is it when it is partially outside her body? Completely outside the body?  When the umbilical cord is cut?  Although this may seem like splitting hairs, it is a crucial point.  In 2003, an Illinois judge
overturned a murder conviction of a woman who killed her baby while it was outside her body but still attached to her by the umbilical cord!
"X is the fact that a fetus is not alive."  

Many people think that the abortion issue revolves around the question "When does life begin?" There is a simple answer to that question: Never! At no point in the reproduction process does a non living thing suddenly become alive. All living organisms are generated from organisms that are already living. In the case of humans, a sperm (a living thing) unites with an egg (a living  thing) to form a zygote (another living thing).  Some pro-choicers will challenge you on this point, saying that if a sperm or egg is as much a living thing as a zygote is, then it would follow that killing a sperm or egg would also qualify as murder. This charge misses the simple fact that a zygote is substantially different from a sperm or egg in that it has the potential to become a fully grown human being whereas neither the sperm nor egg have this potential.
"X is arbitrary. Our society chooses to make birth the dividing line, but that's just as good as any other point."
From conception to death, there is a person involved.  Just as the US courts once "arbitrarily" ruled that a black man is only three-fifths of a person, it is clear that legality does not equal morality.  To choose birth as the arbitrary dividing line between life and death for a fetus cannot be defended.
"X is the fact that a fetus is not a person."   
Some philosophers define "personhood" as the possession of certain qualities which distinguish a person from a non-person.  Some of these qualities are self-awareness, ability to interact with others, ability to perceive, or the ability to choose.  If these are to be the qualities that determine the difference between life and death, then doesn't it follow that all humans who do not have these qualities, including those who are comatose, mentally impaired, or with Altzeimer's disease should also be barred from legal protection and put to death?  It is difficult for the pro-choice person to defend non-personhood for people already born.
"X is viability."
"Viability" is a term invented by the US Supreme Court. Both medically and legally, the notion is so nonsensical that it is difficult for any intelligent person to defend it.  Viability even depends on time and place.  A non-viable infant 100 years ago would be viable today because if medical advances whereas even today an infant viable in the US would not be viable in rural Nigeria.
The legal status quo is that, prior to viability, states may not prohibit abortion; after viability, states may pass laws that protect the unborn, but only if they contain an exception for "the life or health of the mother".
The Supreme Court defined viability as being "potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid" adding that a viable fetus must be capable of "meaningful life outside the mother's womb".  The definition of "meaningful" was never given but, rather, left to doctors to decide in each case.
The result is that, if a woman wants an abortion, all she has to do is find an abortionist who is willing to attest to her fetus's non-viability.  And the abortionist, who has a financial stake in the outcome, is not likely to be unbiased in his decision.
"X is the fact that a fetus is a symbiont (parasite)."
Symbiosis is defined as a relationship between two or more organisms of different species in which one or more benefit from the interaction.  As such, there can be 4 types of symbiosis:

Mutualism -- both partners benefit from the arrangement
Commensalism  -- one partner benefits and the other is unaffected
Amensalism -- one member suffers and the other is unaffected
Parasitism -- one member benefits and the other is harmed

It is easy to see that the fetus benefits from its mother, but to claim that it is a parasite means that the mother must actually be harmed. The mother certainly experiences discomfort during her pregnancy but can that be called "harm"?  And doesn't the joy at the birth of her baby more than compensate the mother for her discomfort?
Conclusion --  Pro-choice people know that they must have a reason for their position on abortion but they have great difficulty in defining or defending what their "X" is.  In your discussions with them, ask them specifically what "X" they are using to defend their position. 
The fact is that there is no good defensible "X" position and therefore no substantial difference between abortion and infanticide.  Perhaps some of the arguments given here will help you to change their minds.