Global Warming


(The following is based on an article by Sallie Baliunas, PhD, Astrophysicist)

We have recently seen the imposition of a carbon dioxide restriction on vehicles in California due to the Legislature's concern about carbon dioxide's effect on the environment, particularly global warming.  On the international front, a similar limitation was proposed in the Kyoto Protocol of 1997.  This protocol called for the United States to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 5% from 1990 levels.  To meet the carbon dioxide emission cuts by 2012, the United States would have to cut its projected 2012 energy use by 25%!

However, all of this concern about carbon dioxide on the environment has not been substantiated by scientific research.  The best computer simulations show that the temperature increase due to carbon dioxide would amount to 1 degree centigrade over the next 50 years, even if there were no limits on fossil fuel use.  And, if the Kyoto Protocol limits were imposed, the same simulations show that the rise in temperature would be 0.94 degrees Centigrade.  Thus, the United States would have to cut its energy use by 25% to prevent an additional rise of 0.06 degrees Centigrade!  

Clearly, the best current science offers little justification for the profound cuts in carbon dioxide mandated by the Kyoto Protocol.  In fact, any global warming noticed in the twentieth century shows a strong correlation to the sun's changing energy output.  So why all the concern?  Probably because of the "precautionary principle" in environmental regulation which disallows any action that MIGHT harm the environment unless that action can be positively shown to be harmless.  Guilty until proven innocent is not good science!

So what does this have to do with the prolife theme of these articles?  There are some who say that, by reducing population, we reduce the need for the use of so much fossil fuel energy and thereby prevent global warming.  This is based on the very bad assumption that human fossil fuel use is actually the cause of global warming, which cannot currently be demonstrated by science.  Thus, limiting population to prevent global warming is not a defendable cause.