The Little Passenger


Medical technology allows doctors to keep babies born at 22, 23 and 24 weeks alive, and technology allows us to view the womb in great detail, often showing a very active, tiny baby.  

Dr David van Gend, the Queensland Secretary for the World Foundation of Doctors who Respect Human Life, says three dimensional scans of the womb are allowing us to see activity from as early as twelve weeks, "that's when most babies are aborted. This little passenger in the womb, in three dimensional magnificent action, was jumping on both feet like Neil Armstrong landing on the moon. Two footed, bouncing around and little arms pumping. I think a picture speaks a lot more than a thousand words here", Dr van Gend says. "May I humbly suggest that the baby's life is very important and that doctors have traditionally had the concept that we look after two patients. 

"We want a healthy mother and a healthy baby and if we blind ourselves to the very existence of this little passenger, this entire different being with a different blood type, a different heart rate, moving because it wants to move, not because we want it to move, with its own destiny, own identity, how can we reach across and snuff out another little life because it is not suitable to our current circumstances," Dr van Gend says.  "An entire primary school of children every day is aborted in our clinics and we wonder why we've got a population crisis, where we won't have enough young people to look after our ageing population...Frankly, whether there's anywhere from 30 to 100, it's still a vast epidemic to me and it's silly playing with the numbers", Dr van Gend says.
Dr van Gend believes adoption should be given more of a priority, "Adoption is the big hearted alternative to abortion. It's a terrific grief, but it's a life giving grief...We've got to rehabilitate adoption, which has been smeared and trashed by the people for whom abortion is the only way to go, and for whom adoption stands as a contradiction and a shaming of the abortion industry".